The backside of that mountain is phlattttt but some white room incidences happened. We made our way over to Alpental once the crowds left and scored Snake Dance right when it opened. Lin!
Feb 28th @ Alpental:

Sessioned heavenly trees until nash gate opened. We set the bootpack and scored fresh tracks galore the rest of the day.
March 1st @ Alpental:
Twas so deep! I hiked kendall stump in the morning w/ some friends and rode some mellow pow in the old growth, then we made our way over to Alpy. Right when we got there they opened nash gate and it was silly how deep it was there. Waist Deep in places (that means 3ft!)
March 2nd @ Alpental:

Did one run in the BC on my way home for the weekend. Roxoff/Gun barrel area was relitively untracked and it was 4in of dry pow on top of 1ft of heavier pow. Interesting conditions that deserved a rainier to celebrate at the bottom before driving home.
March 6th @ Alpental:
There was a foot of insanely dry fresh snow, on top of lurking death cookies. The faster you rode the less likely you would hit the death layer. Extremely fun day with white room incidences scattered around throughout the day. Got first tracks down gun barrel and about pissed my pants from excitement. Here is a pic of the bottom of roxoff area:

Besides my binding breaking at the beginning of the day and waisting almost an hr to fix it, the 6th was doritos status.
March 8th @ Alpy/Silver Firs:

It was 48 degrees at noon. Forgot how fun it is to ride slush all day and drink beers w/ fellow bros. Got some corndogs and headed over to silver firs and rode at an irresponsible high rate of speed for a few hours and might of poached the jump line at central a few times too. Good times were had. 26 days so far this season and hopefully at least 20 more to go!