Looking at the forecast the night before, I thought the 15th was going to be ridiculously epic. When I woke up at 5am, I called the Stevens Pass snowphone to hear that there was only 5inches of new snow overnight. I was very much so bummed. I still went up to the mountain anyways because I was meeting my friends brian and ben up there.
When I got up there I took one fast run down skyline before brian and ben got there. It was actually somewhat fun and if you hit the snow where it wasn't so steep you would not hit the ice layer down below. Once Brian and Ben got there we went up to seventh heaven. Rock Garden looked awesome, but rode extremely variable. One turn was good, the next was horrible.
Then we went over to the backside and traversed ultra-hard up onto the beginning of rooster ridge (thanks for whoever set that traverse through the trees!). This was surprisingly really good, and brian even made an appearance in the white room.

We sessioned that for a couple runs and then decided to see if tye bowl was any good. We were 100% surprised at how well the conditions were in tye bowl. We entered the bowl near the top through the gnarly cliff zone and it was full on powder. So good. I love tye bowl early season cause it's pillow madness.
Here is me popping off a pillow at mach 12

And here is ben slaying some pooh in tye bowl

And here is Brian dropping a cliff on the way to tye bowl

After we got tired of tye bowl we "mini-shredded" all over hogsback which was fun and then called it a day after doing that for a while.
Overall I would give the day a 3/5, due to the fresh snow and the fun times in tye bowl.