It was puking snow last night in BHAM from 730-930pm.

And this morning the roads were ultra-shittay in BHAM (I left at 630am)
But the closer you got to Baker, the better the roads got. (haha dub tee eph yo) I blasted Neon Indian the whole way there, that is probably why I drove so slow...
Now the phun part: So Baker opening day, of course I'm gonna be expecting everyone to be in full on mob mode. I show up at 750am and I get a pretty good parking spot in Heather Meadows. Some rad bro's parked next to chair 1 and slept there all night so they would get first chair. Cool story Bro. Well I got 8th chair up chair 1, and I was purdy stokeddd.
My first run off of north face was hellza confusing. So I got 8th chair, full on expecting no tracks in my sight. Nope...not at all. There were tracks, not a shit-ton, but still a fair amount. No problemo, I'll slay it anyone (in my own eyes of course.) North Face during early season is super rolly rolly within sudden drops, it's pretty fun. Once I reached the bottom of chair 5, I realized I still had no leg pain...go me!
So I ride back up and ride north face again. Holy schitt it's already basically tracked out. Oh well, I'll ride the ropeline. Good times. Once I got to the bottom I decided to check out the chair 8 area so I ride up chair 5. Once I reach the crest on the chair I realize its turning into a bluebird day. Sweet!
I rode around the chair 8 area along the ropeline for about an hour. That area is super fun. Lot's of natural jumps and shiz. I saw a few skiers dropping off of the arm, and wow was I jealous. Looked super tasty. Oh well, I was still having fun inside the ski area. So much fun that I decided to take a picture of myself.
The rest of the day I just rode all over the ski area, trying to figure out what works on a powder day and whatnot here, because, well, this will be my home for the next 2+ years. Might as well learn how to take a dump on it like I do at Stevens. At the end of the day, I was obligated to get a salmon chowder bread bowl. Nom Nom Nom...
Here is a little video I made from footage I shot throughout the day. Good times.
Peace out internetz (for meow)